Why Chew Your Food 32 Times Benefits and Science Behind it

benefits of chewing food 32 times

Health Benefits of Chewing Food 32 Times

You might remember your grandparents or parents suggesting to you at the dinner table to chew your food properly and to eat slowly. Don’t talk while eating we all know that is good for our health and body. Your parents may advise chewing your food 32 times, which is also backed up by modern science! Doctors and researchers suggest eating food 32 times can help us to lose weight. Let’s see the benefits and science behind chewing your food 32 times.

The process of digestion is a complex and sophisticated system that begins in the mouth. Our body is a sophisticated machine designed by nature When we smell the food, see the food or even thought about it. A signal is sent to our brain’s primary salivary centre and the saliva starts to secrete in our mouth.

How to chew food properly related to our body-

The mouth is most important but often neglected when we talk about digestion.

The digestion process begins as soon as we put food in our mouths. When food is chewed properly or 32 times in the mouth, it breaks down into smaller pieces and saliva is then mixed with these tiny food particles. Once the saliva comes in contact with the food it immediately starts to break down the starches in it (complex carbohydrates) with the help of special enzymes. An enzyme called Amylase breaks down starches into sugars, which the body can absorb more easily. Saliva also contains an enzyme which helps to break down fats.

Our brain requires twenty minutes to realize that We are full,

To realize that you are full, so eating slowly while chewing will give your brain enough time to let you know when to stop. Otherwise, if you wolf on food quickly, before your brain can realize you are full you will have already overeaten.

How to build the habit of chewing food 32 times?

Start it as soon as possible in your routine. First, whenever you eat do not do any other thing while eating. Because it helps you to easily focus on food or chew it properly. Whatever you eat make sure you chew properly or 32 times. No matter if you forget about it whenever you remember then start it again at the moment. Sometimes you may build the habit of chewing food properly and sometimes not. Eat consciously, as consciously as possible, it will help you focus on eating better and within weeks you will feel the difference in your health and lifestyle. You become what you eat. Eat green foods and chew them 32 times.

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