How To Use Coconut Oil For Dandruff?

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What is Dandruff and How is it Formed
Dandruff is a common issue that causes the skin on the scalp to flake. Not a serious issue but it can be embarrassing sometimes and difficult to treat. The severe dandruff issue can damage your hair.

Dandruff itself does not directly damage hair, but it can contribute to hair and scalp health issues if left untreated. Dandruff is often caused by an overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia on the scalp, which can lead to itching and flaking. When the scalp is irritated and itchy excessive scratching can damage the hair follicles and weaken the hair shafts. This could potentially lead to hair breakage or hair loss over time.
If you are wondering whether coconut oil can treat dandruff, read on. Yes, it is the answer. It is made from the coconut fruit’s flesh and is rich in vitamins and important lipids. It hydrates the scalp and gets rid of extra sebum. It is one of the best hair care products because of its antibacterial properties as well as its penetrative and moisturising qualities.

What Is The Main Cause of Dandruff?
There are many causes of dandruff. A dry environment can push your scalp into overdrive, and the overactive sebaceous glands can produce excessive sebum. Too much sebum production can block pores and may attract microbes, leading to infections that cause dandruff.
Sensitivity to the Malassezia fungus is another factor contributing to the illness.
Although it grows on everyone’s scalp naturally, it irritates certain people since it grows out of control and feeds on sebum.
Additionally, your nutrition, dry skin, sensitivity to yeast, unclean scalp, and poor scalp hygiene can all contribute to dandruff. In some cases, long-term dermatological diseases including scalp psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis can also cause dandruff.
Massage With Hot Coconut Oil-
Massage with hot coconut oil moisturizes the scalp and also helps to improve blood circulation as well.
2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil (based on your hair length)
Heat the coconut oil, Do not make it too hot because you need to touch it after you heat it.
Dip your fingers in te oil and use them to massage it into your dry and itchy scalp.
Massage your scalp for 10-15 minutes until you have covered every part.
Use the leftover oil to cover your hair.
Sit for 30 minutes or for the night and then wash it off with a good shampoo.

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